The Time For Pause Is Over

The Time For Pause Is Over


As you may know [especially if you've recently tried to send in a broken inflatable] at the moment, our incoming postal service is on pause.

This is for various reasons.

Primarily because I had to get better and really decide if I could continue on this particular journey, which had previously made me so ill [you can read more about this on a recent Instagram post here ]

Secondly, because we're a full maximum capacity and so literally cannot physically accept any more inflatables at the moment [unless they're leaving the building immediately in the shape of a bag, if this is the case, please see the customs info and form here ]

The reason for this being that the service was and is, by far more needed than Steve and I could have ever anticipated!

The primary focus of Inflatable Amnesty has always been to provide a service whereby people could send in their broken inflatables and we would turn them into bags and swerve them from landfill, so without that incoming postal service, I've been feeling more than a bit lost!

We've done some thinking, about what we would need to get things going again to make this work in a sustainable way.

So, amongst other things, we have now added a donate page to the site and a tip cup on the home page here

Hopefully if we manage to reach our targets, we will be able to not only increase our current storage but also reopen the many Inflatable Amnesty Collection Points around the UK

My hope is that we can get the wheels moving again on this to ensure that no more inflatables or bouncy castles are sent to landfill- any help at all, including mentioning or sharing, are all very much appreciated!

Thanks so much,

Georgia x

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